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Long Text Rendering

For text data that is too lengthy, as opposed to the simple createTextField, Tushan generally opts for the createTextAreaField method, which is more suited for rendering large text.

Some special optimizations have been made in createTextAreaField for handling large texts in lists.

List State

To address the issue of long text causing poor table display in list states:

Fixed Width

To allow excess content to be truncated rather than occupy a lot of space, it is recommended to fix the width of that row in the list. For example:

createTextAreaField('content', {
list: {
width: 400,

Ellipsis Mode

If the content is long, it is recommended to enable the list overflow ellipsis mode to improve performance.

createTextAreaField('content', {
list: {
ellipsis: true,

Of course, you can also enable both fixed width and ellipsis:

createTextAreaField('content', {
list: {
width: 400,
ellipsis: true,

Detail State

In the detail state, by default, a maximum of 5 lines of data is displayed, with the excess being collapsed.

Edit State

In the edit state, a text area instead of an input box is used to facilitate user modifications of long texts.